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snippet: Area Designations of the Oregon Territorial Sea Plan
summary: Area Designations of the Oregon Territorial Sea Plan
extent: [[-124.703804798026,41.9984815165025],[-123.927695283112,46.2510735990866]]
accessInformation: Oregon Coastal Management Program
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Oregon Territorial Sea Plan (TSP) was first adopted in 1994 and provides detailed guidance to state and federal agencies to manage uses within the state’s territorial sea, from shore to three nautical miles offshore. State ocean resources are governed by a tapestry of authorities at multiple government scales, and the TSP acts as a coordinating framework from which individual agencies institute regulations and management activities. Part I of the Territorial Sea Plan lays out an Ocean Management Framework Part II of the Territorial Sea Plan covers Making Resource Decisions Part III of the Territorial Sea Plan covers Rocky Habitat Management Strategies Part IV of the Territorial Sea Plan covers Uses of the Sea Floor Part V of Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan describes the process for making decisions concerning the development of renewable energy facilities (e.g. wind, wave, current, thermal, etc.)
licenseInfo: None
title: Oregon Territorial Sea Plan Part Five
type: Map Service
tags: ["territorial sea plan"]
culture: en-US
name: AdminBounds_TerritorialSeaPlan
guid: 16AACF9F-0E45-482A-A153-F58AA7792FC6
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere