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Layer: HistoricVegetation (ID: 32)

Name: HistoricVegetation

Display Field: VEGABB

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: This polygon layer depicts historical vegetation and wetlands along the coast of Oregon, including the lower estuaries of coastal rivers and the Columbia River. It is based on (1) General Land Office (GLO) survey data recorded between 1855 and 1910, including township and section line data, and (2) U.S. Coast Survey topographic maps (T-sheets) compiled between 1851 and 1928, delineating the immediate coast and lower river estuaries. Most of the GLO-based mapping was completed in 2003 with funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. The upper Nesctucca River drainage and the Sixes-Elk River drainages were completed in 1997 and 2002, respectively, with funding from the USDI Bureau of Land Management. Mapping of the Youngs Bay tributaries was completed in 2006 with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Coverage for the Coquille River was added in 2004 by crosswalking to Benner (Benner, P. 1998. Coquille Estuary Historic Wetlands, 1857-1872;,) digitized in 1996 by Ecotrust and based on her earlier report to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in 1992. Addition of the Coquille River coverage was funded by the Oregon Department of State Lands as part of the Oregon Coastal Coho ESU Assessment. Data from the Coast Survey T-sheets was added in 2018 with funding from the USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, awarded to Green Point Consulting and the Estuary Technical Group of the Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, Oregon.

Service Item Id: 3a284de1c423455f8dc7363eb09273b4

Copyright Text: Hawes, S.M., J.A. Hiebler, E.M. Nielsen, C.W. Alton, J. A. Christy, P. Benner. 2018. Historical vegetation of the Pacific Coast, Oregon, 1851-1928. ArcMap shapefile, Version 2018_10. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, Portland State University.

Default Visibility: false

MaxRecordCount: 1000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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