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Legend (Projects/OCMP_SeaSketch_Physical)

Rocky_Shore_Site_Risk_Levels_for_50cm_of_Sea_Level_Rise_EPA_2017 (34)
Low Low
Moderate Moderate
None None
Rocky_Shore_Site_Risk_Levels_for_100cm_of_Sea_Level_Rise_EPA_2017 (33)
High High
Low Low
Moderate Moderate
None None
Rocky_Shore_Site_Risk_Levels_for_150cm_of_Sea_Level_Rise_EPA_2017 (31)
High High
Moderate Moderate
None None
Intertidal_Area_in_0cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (27)
Intertidal_Area_in_50cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (26)
Intertidal_Area_in_100cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (29)
Intertidal_Area_in_150cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (28)
Offshore_Islands_and_Rocks_USFWS_2019 (30)
Surface_Lithology_ATSML_2011 (32)
boulder boulder
cobble cobble
cobble mix cobble mix
gravel gravel
gravel mix gravel mix
gravelly mud gravelly mud
gravelly sand gravelly sand
hard hard
mixed mixed
mud mud
muddy gravel muddy gravel
muddy sand muddy sand
rock rock
rock mix rock mix
sand sand
sand mud sand mud
sandy gravel sandy gravel
sandy mud sandy mud
shell shell
soft soft
Physiographic_Habitat_ATSML_2011 (36)
Continental Rise Continental Rise
Shelf Shelf
Slope Slope
Basin Basin
Ridge Ridge
Canyon Wall Canyon Wall
Canyon Floor Canyon Floor
Channel Channel
Gully Gully
Glacial Formation Glacial Formation
Intertidal_Rocky_Substrate_CMECS_2020 (38)
Rock Substrate Rock Substrate
Boulder Boulder
Anthropogenic Rock Rubble Anthropogenic Rock Rubble
Subtidal_RockyHabitat_SGHv4_ATSML_2011 (39)
rock rock
hard hard
rock mix rock mix
boulder boulder
cobble cobble
cobble mix cobble mix
Nearshore_Depth_Bins_in_Fathoms (41)
Between 0 and -10 Fathoms Between 0 and -10 Fathoms
Between -10 and -20 Fathoms Between -10 and -20 Fathoms
Between -20 and -30 Fathoms Between -20 and -30 Fathoms
Between -30 and -40 Fathoms Between -30 and -40 Fathoms
Deeper than -40 Fathoms Deeper than -40 Fathoms