Rocky_Shore_Site_Risk_Levels_for_50cm_of_Sea_Level_Rise_EPA_2017 (34)
Rocky_Shore_Site_Risk_Levels_for_100cm_of_Sea_Level_Rise_EPA_2017 (33)
Rocky_Shore_Site_Risk_Levels_for_150cm_of_Sea_Level_Rise_EPA_2017 (31)
Intertidal_Area_in_0cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (27)
Intertidal_Area_in_50cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (26)
Intertidal_Area_in_100cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (29)
Intertidal_Area_in_150cm_Sea_Level_Rise_Scenario_EPA_2017 (28)
Offshore_Islands_and_Rocks_USFWS_2019 (30)
Surface_Lithology_ATSML_2011 (32)
| boulder |
| cobble |
| cobble mix |
| gravel |
| gravel mix |
| gravelly mud |
| gravelly sand |
| hard |
| mixed |
| mud |
| muddy gravel |
| muddy sand |
| rock |
| rock mix |
| sand |
| sand mud |
| sandy gravel |
| sandy mud |
| shell |
| soft |
Physiographic_Habitat_ATSML_2011 (36)
| Continental Rise |
| Shelf |
| Slope |
| Basin |
| Ridge |
| Canyon Wall |
| Canyon Floor |
| Channel |
| Gully |
| Glacial Formation |
| MWZ |
Intertidal_Rocky_Substrate_CMECS_2020 (38)
| Rock Substrate |
| Boulder |
| Anthropogenic Rock Rubble |
Subtidal_RockyHabitat_SGHv4_ATSML_2011 (39)
| rock |
| hard |
| rock mix |
| boulder |
| cobble |
| cobble mix |
Nearshore_Depth_Bins_in_Fathoms (41)
| Between 0 and -10 Fathoms |
| Between -10 and -20 Fathoms |
| Between -20 and -30 Fathoms |
| Between -30 and -40 Fathoms |
| Deeper than -40 Fathoms |