Description: The CMECS polygons for Olympia oysters (Ostrea lurida) represent intertidal regions at or near observed oyster beds. Shore lines were selected from the Oregon Shorezone ‘Unit_line’ layer, which breaks the shore line into segments, based similar physical characteristics. Each ‘Unit_line’ segment from Oregon Shorezone, selected by its proximity to an Olympia oyster bed observation, was buffered by the corresponding intertidal width described in the ‘Xshr’ table of Oregon Shorezone.
Service Item Id: 98c95cac42014bcb9596efa609f2872b
Copyright Text: Jane Rombouts 2017
CMECS techician
South Slough National Estuary Research Reserve
Description: This layer is a polygon file containing CMECS Aquatic Setting classes for Oregon Estuaries. The CMECS Aquatic Setting classification distinguishes oceans, estuaries and lakes, deep and shallow waters and submerged and intertidal environments within which more refined classification of geological, physicochemical, and biological information can be organized. It is comprised of three hierarchical levels (System, Subsystem and Tidal Zone) and provides the context for all CMECS components.
Service Item Id: 98c95cac42014bcb9596efa609f2872b
Copyright Text: This work was funded by NOAA via a CZMA section 309 "Project of Special Merit" grant.